NEW MEXICO STATE LEGISLATURE UPDATE: Day 25, Friday, February 10, 2023


The question has always been is Governor Michele Lujan Grisham using the New Mexico governorship as a steppingstone to big and better things in Washington DC.  Governor Grisham has just been appointed by President Joe Biden to the Council of Governors.  The Council is a 10-member bipartisan group that was begun by Barack Obama to examine issues related to state and federal government. As we approach the mid-point in New Mexico’s Legislative session, the Governor has taken five days off in DC.


Gun safety remains a major topic with the legislators.  HB 9 UNLAWFUL ACCESS TO FIREARM BY MINOR requires all gun owners to “lockem up.”  HB 9 has passed the House.


Maternity and sick leave are issues that also have advanced.  A new tax law on employees and businesses would set up a program for 12 weeks of medical and paternity leave.  SB 11 PAID FAMILY & MEDICAL LEAVE would tax employers $4.00 for every $1,000 they pay in wages and employees $5.00 for every $1,000 they receive.  If passed, the program would begin in 2026.

An employer would anxiously want to know if new hire was pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant.  According to the Left, the question would apply to both men and women.  Three months is a long time for an employee to be gone and a tricky amount of time to find a replacement.


Please pray for wisdom for each Legislator as they define the line between government imposition and personal freedoms.

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