Correcting the Wrong of HB2 Legalizing Marijuana

Mental Health experts have testified before our legislature that cannabis causes psychosis, hallucinations, and addiction, and dangerously affects teen brain development – not to mention lethargy, lack of motivation and an inability to concentrate.  The Sante Fe New Mexican reported that drugs are the most prevalent factor in domestic cases that have overwhelmed our child welfare programs.

In 2021 the New Mexico State Legislature sequestered itself, disallowing the public into the Roundhouse.  A chain link fence surrounded the building.  Horrendous anti-family bills were passed.  Cannabis legislation, House Bill 2, the Cannabis Regulation Act, did not pass during the regular session so a special session was called.  Marijuana was legalized in New Mexico and we now have drug dealers on every main street in every New Mexico town.

Fast forward: the 2025 Legislative session is hailed as the session that will deal with our “mental health and crime problem,” as we will hear in the Governor’s State-of-the-State address.  Those problems began with House Bill 2, the Cannabis Regulation Act of 2021.

If the New Mexico State Legislature is serious about dealing with New Mexico’s mental health and crime issues, the first order of business should be to rescind House Bill 2, the Cannabis Regulation Act, and take marijuana off our streets.  

It is the root cause of most of our crime and mental health problems.  Its elimination would be the beginning of what would make New Mexico safe again.

Congratulations Santa Fe’s Pro-Life Community: Santa Fe Planned Parenthood Closed

Santa Fe Planned Parenthood Closed on December 30, 2024

After years of carrying signs and holding prayer vigils in front of Santa Fe’s Planned Parenthood clinic on Saint Michael’s Drive, the abortion clinic has been closed.  According to Reginal Director Adrienne Mansanares, the closure is only temporary and will be reopened when new staff are hired.  Even if a new hire occurs, the clinic will not open until summer.

Thank you, Santa Fe Pro-Life Community, for your faithful prayers and defense of life.

Please pray for the permanent closure of the clinic.

To read the Santa Fe New Mexican article, click: